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When you are considering a divorce, this could be one of the most critical decisions you will ever make. It is extremely important that you obtain the services of an experienced and aggressive attorney. During this extremely stressful period of your life, you need reliable and compassionate support – especially when there are children involved. We approach each case with the individual circumstances in mind.

There are so many feelings, worries, and questions, people have when considering a divorce.

How long will the divorce take?

How much will it cost?

Can I support myself without my spouse?

What does the future hold?

How will our assets be split?

How will the divorce affect my kids?

What will visitation be like?

How much child support will I get or have to pay?

Needless to say, these questions are serious, but we encounter them on a regular basis. Your divorce is unique to your circumstances and we will answer all of these questions based on your situation.

Many people still believe that someone has to be at fault in order to get a divorce – this is not necessarily the case in most state. Usually the court just needs to see that the marriage is broken down to the point that it is not reasonable to expect reconciliation. Although fault does not necessarily have to play a role in getting a divorce it can be a vital point to leverage when dividing marital assets. If your spouse is significantly at fault or you are the spouse that may be accused of being at fault, it is imperative that you retain an aggressive attorney.

1-800 IT’S OVER takes an individualistic approach with every person we represent. We are very aware that your situation is unique to you and your family and we treat it that way. After meeting with you, we will give careful and expert consideration to recommending a plan of action for your particular proceedings. If you have been served with divorce papers or are considering one of the most important decisions of your life, we would be happy to meet with you for a free consolation.