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How to create an effective child custody agreement

After a divorce, child custody agreements play a major role. In fact, these agreements determine how your child will be protected after you separate from your partner. In other words, the child custody agreement will determine how exactly child custody would work and how the responsibilities are split up among parents.

There are few important clauses, which you should be mindful about at the time of working on a child custody agreement. You should first understand what is meant by sole custody and joint custody. Sole custody ensures that one parent will be able to receive custodial rights of the child, whereas joint custody would make sure that responsibilities of the child are split up among both parents.

When working on the child custody agreements, you should complete the custody and visitation schedule. It is better if you can get the assistance of a child custody attorney while you are working on it. Then you can eliminate all sorts of negative consequences that might take place. You should also include information about holiday and vacation schedule to this. In addition to that, you will be able to include important details about custody provisions. On top of everything, information about child support should be included at the time of developing the child custody agreement. There is a specific amount that non-custodial parent will have to make to the custodial parent. This amount should be properly documented in the agreement. This is a legal financial obligation. Since it is documented in the agreement, parent who is responsible for making payments will have to continue with it, regardless of any other consequences that would take place.